Strategic restructuring of central enterprises accelerates attention to the field of steel and coal

On the afternoon of the 13th, at the press conference of the [Notice on the Economic Operation of Central Enterprises in the First Quarter of 2017″ held by the State New Office, Shen Ying, chief accountant of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, said that the next step should be to accelerate the strategic restructuring of central enterprises and accelerate the steel and coal. , specialized in the integration of coal chemical industry.

Earlier, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) has repeatedly stated that the next step of restructuring will be to accelerate the integration of steel, coal and power businesses and explore the integration of overseas assets. In fact, the recent coal and energy central enterprises have indeed had more actions. Since the beginning of this year, China Shenhua (19.230, -0.06, -0.31%), which is the industry leader, has been exposed to a series of mergers and acquisitions activities, and is planning a larger-scale integration and restructuring, and its recent dividends and frequent personnel adjustments are Let this expectation heat up. Also due to personnel adjustments being interpreted as a prelude to mergers and acquisitions, there is another coal giant, China Coal Energy (6.160, -0.01, -0.16%) (601898.SH).

We believe that the Shenhua Group’s generous dividends will represent a new round of restructuring of central enterprises. It is recommended to pay attention to the coal enterprises in the central enterprises and the coal equipment enterprises in the central enterprises. According to the idea of central enterprises reforming the same industry, the central enterprises coal Enterprises are expected to benefit. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to coal companies with high performance, such as coal mines in Shaanxi.

Post time: Jun-29-2021